Secrets of a Successful Multicultural Marriage

Secrets of a Successful Multicultural Marriage

Else, you may end up living a life bereft of stuff you once took for granted. On the other hand, you may run into financial doldrums if your spouse is an extravagant spender, due to cultural compulsions. Knowing differences in religious practices and preferences is also a key to a successful marriage with a foreigner. Though you may follow the same faith, native traditions often influence the manner in which it is practiced. For example, some nationalities celebrate the death and welcome mourners with sweets, pastries, liquor or soft drinks. You may feel offended if your spouse celebrates the death of some beloved relative on grounds the departed soul has gone to heaven.

  • If your date is late or ask you out with a very spontaneous last minute call don’t be annoyed as the dating culture tends to be much more laid back here.
  • Or, even more provocatively, the institution could change, to be more embracing of having various partners during various stages of life.
  • The definition of a diverse society is to have different types of people, who do not share the same race, culture, ethnicity, beliefs, practices, race, tradition, et cetera, to ‘come together’ and form a community.
  • And families vary in size and composition from a single-parent unit to very large multi-generation families and households.
  • Previously, in private, she had expressed to my mother her condolences that I was marrying her son instead of a Jewish man. “You must be disappointed,” she’d said, sympathetically.

Moustafa and Asma have two children and live in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. If you have tried to work through these issues with your family in the past, to no success, you should consider reaching out to a trained psychologist or family therapist. A neutral third-party can be very helpful in moderating emotionally fraught discussions and ensuring they head in a constructive direction. “Research shows that people who consider themselves married or are legally married have higher levels of relationship satisfaction,” Chlipala said. “Some people say ‘It’s just a piece of paper,’ but I totally disagree. When you are legally married, it is a different level of commitment than just saying, ‘We’re in a relationship.’ Even if you are exclusive.”

The magnets of this migration are large cities with vibrant economies that embrace cultural diversity. For example, if the teenager feels smothered because their parents want to know where they are every minute, we might try phone check-ins at designated times instead. If parents feel that their child doesn’t respect their culture, perhaps agreeing to speak the parents’ native language at home can demonstrate respect and compassion. Apparently, the priest forgot to sign their marriage license 50 some years ago.

(In contrast, bride price and bride service are directed at the bride’s kin, not to the bride or the new household). In other words, with dowry there is a downward passage of wealth. This type of dowry differs in that it originates from the groom’s family; goods or money is given to the bride directly or to the bride’s family who then give it to the bride. Alternatively, indirect dowry can be thought of as a combination of bride price paid first and then dowry. America today has become a melting pot for different cultures and more people are marrying someone from a different religion or racial/ethnic group than in years past. The rate of interracial marriages increased by 28 percent in the last decade, according to the U.S.

In the first case, the groom completes his service prior to the marriage and then moves with the bride back to his family after the marriage. In the second case, the newly married couple remains in residence with the bride’s family until the service is concluded. The advantage of the second type of service is that frequently the wife is living with her mother when her first child is born.

It is therefore critical for the US government to address the social issue of polygamous marriage and be proactive in the manner in which they address it since many cultures in the US still practice polygamy. An interracial marriage is a marriage across cultural barriers.

Working On Commoncross-Cultural Communication Analysis

Being a qualified, licensed therapist, works with you to identify the root causes of any problem in your married life. Meet at work or social settings, specifically in Bay area, where the population is very diverse. One should only take what is good and Islamic from our cultures and leave the rest. It’s not right to boast about or feel pride in one’s cultural superiority.

Marriage And Family Sociology

It will spare them a lot of agony if they discuss this upfront. I had not realized that sending 25% of his take home pay to his family was not enough.

Adjust and adapt to one another’s cultures through compromise and communication. It also takes a willingness to give up some of your desires in order to meet the other person’s needs. Listen to each other before identifying differences, problems, and solutions. Realize that both of you have equal influence in your relationship.

Of course, this last observation is just as applicable to couples from the same hometown as it is to those from opposite sides of the planet. Many people who head across the country or around the globe seeking educational or career opportunities are also of the age when they’re looking for a long-term romantic partner. As a result, the incidence of intercultural marriage is steeply on the rise.

Mixed marriages often face additional struggles and challenges in the field of parenting. Raising a child always leads to conflicts if the parents are not on the same page. The involvement of extended family members in the child-rearing process, behavioral expectations, and the question of what is considered appropriate frequently cause heated discussions. In the first place, it’s important to acknowledge and understand how contrasting customs and cultural backgrounds are likely to impact your marriage and family life. The way you’re brought up is the way you’ll live unless you make a conscious choice to embrace another option.

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